About Brotherhood of the Cross and Star
Brotherhood of the Cross and Star (BCS) is not a church or new religious movement. It is the fulfillment of Biblical scripture relating to the manifestation of God’s reign on earth recorded from Genesis to Revelation.
Brotherhood of the Cross and Star was officially established by Leader Olumba Olumba Obu as a spiritual organisation in Nigeria in 1956 and received its Certificate of Incorporation on 25th March 1964.
Beginning from the ‘Cradle’ at 8 Eton Street, Calabar the movement moved to 26 Mbukpa Road on 8th August 1958 when members put on white robes in public for the first time and marched the streets of Calabar. BCS currently has its World Headquarters at 34 Ambo Street, Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria.
Brotherhood of the Cross and Star is both an administration and a spiritual school founded
on the teachings of Jesus Christ.
What is the meaning of Brotherhood? It means God, Christ and the Angels. It means the people of this world, the fishes in the water, the trees in the forests, the grasses that grow in the fields. It means the ground on which we walk. Brotherhood means the Sky, the Wind, the Moon, the Sun, and the Stars. It means the worms, the ants, the birds. Brotherhood means every four-footed animal and every creeping thing. In short, Brotherhood means oneness.God and everything created by Him put together are Brotherhood. - Leader Olumba Olumba Obu
The Theocratic Government
In the Scriptures, Prophets Daniel and Isaiah allude to a new system of government in which righteousness and justice will be established on the earth. Christ called it ‘The Kingdom of God' and told His disciples to pray for its manifestation in The Lord’s Prayer: ‘Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. In the Old Testament, Daniel spoke of a kingdom that would be established by God on earth and would ‘break in pieces and consume all other kingdoms’ (Daniel 2:44) Isaiah foresaw a government that would rest upon the shoulders of the son of God (Isaiah 9:6-7).
The Book of Revelation goes further to envision that ‘the kingdoms of this world become The Kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever.’ (Revelation 11: 15)
BCS is the physical manifestation of this new system of government, a Kingdom founded on the rule of love. The Head of this Government is His Holiness Olumba Olumba Obu, The King of kings and The Lord of lords. He is the Leader of The Unified Universal Theocratic Council and The Head of Administration of BCS Worldwide

The Spiritual School
BCS is otherwise known as Christ’s Universal Spiritual School of Practical Christianity where people come to learn and apply the universal teachings of Christ. This means trying to put into practice the ways of Christ as embodied in a lifestyle of selflessness, universal love, oneness, peace, humility, forgiveness, kindness, generosity, compassion, understanding, and tolerance. It is also about faith, endurance, zeal, and determination to overcome all the challenges that life throws at us through applying the teachings of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Brotherhood denotes the unity of all creation and the oneness which is maintained by universal love. Cross relates to the suffering endured by those who have undertaken to follow the way of Christ to reach the Star; which is the reward and fulfilment of God’s purposes for humanity.